Leaf Removal Tips for Speeding Up the Work

Make Fast Work Out of Leaf Removal and Mulching
Leaf removal can be quickly and efficiently scheduled. If you want to get back in front of the TV for that football kick-off, you need to streamline the work. For most of us, the joy or raking is associated with jumping into leaves as a child. So, you need to keep the work manageable.

Make Fast Work Out of Leaf Removal and Mulching

Make Fast Work Out of Leaf Removal and Mulching

Some Basic Pointers to Make Fast Work out of Leaf Removal

To make fast work out of leaf removal and mulching, you actually need to span the job over several days. Do not try to perform all the clean-up in one day. As leaves drop throughout the season, you need to schedule the work. Never work on a windy day unless you want to experience total frustration. Also, dress in layers to maintain your body temperature. If you getting rid of leaves on a sunny day, wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

To make fast work out of raking and mulching then, you need to use the proper tools. Research shows that using an extra wide rake, or one that is 36 inches across actually requires more effort. That is because you need to use more of a downward pressure for the task.

Instead, a standard-width rake is a better choice. Therefore choose a 24-inch rake, preferably with a softer grip. If you select an ergonomic model, check the rake in the store. Some rakes feature curved handles. However, some people are more comfortable using a rake with a straight handle design.

Use a Tarp with Handles

In order to optimize your energy when raking, it is also helpful to use a tarp. Why rake the leaves across the expanse of a lawn? Using a tarp will save you the additional effort. The best size of tarp to use is medium-sized, or about 8 x 8 feet in size. Make sure the tarp comes with rope handles. Purchase a heavy-duty tarp made of durable plastic or canvas material.

If your yard is sizable, then you want to make use of your mower for mulching. While mulching will leave a layering of leaves, that layer is also necessary for enriching the soil. In order to accomplish the task, set your mower deck at the second-to-highest setting. If you happen to mow the yard when the leaves are damp, use the side-discharge mode first and then switch your mower to the mulching mode and mow over the leaves a second time.

Use Your Leaf Blower

You also want to make use of your leaf blower. The flat attachment should be used to lift and blow away leaves. Use the round nozzle only for blowing debris and dirt. If your leaf blower features a vacuum, use it to lift the leaves from around the foundation and the bushes next to your home.

You can also make fast work of leaf removal by recycling the leaves in your yard. In this case, use the leaves to make a compost. After using the mower to shred the leaves, place them in a composting bin. Add a nitrogen source, such as grass clippings, to speed up decomposition. Keep the leaves dampened and regularly turn them.

If you follow this practice, you can produce a compost in about three months. Leaves degrade more quickly in the summer months than the colder times of year. During the winter, do not turn the leaves. Otherwise, the decomposing leaves will lose heat. When the compost is ready in the spring, you can use it for fertilizing your garden beds.

Needless to say, you can make quick work of removing or mulching leaves. Make the process easier by using the right-sized rake, a tarp, mower, and leaf blower for the seasonal task.

Image Attribute: Flicker – Creative Commons

Photographer: dancingshiba


Wesley Kolbe

At the helm of AET Systems, Wesley Kolbe merges tradition with innovation to provide top-quality lubricants and unmatched service, ensuring every client's machinery runs at its best.